
PE tubular floats

Floats are designed for pipes used in hydrotransport and for power cables supplying energy to devices operating on the water surface. The special shape of the upper part of the float, allows to place there the power supply or hydraulic cables; there’s no need to apply other floats for main power supply cable. Parameters such as the displacement, as well as dimensions of the floats, are properly selected in order to keep the fully filled pipeline on the water surface freely. For good visibility and easy location of the pipeline, the floats are manufactured in bright orange or yellow color. The PE material is fully corrosion-resistant, thus the service life of the system (pipes + floats) is incomparably longer compared to other solutions (steel, PVC).

Each float consists of two elements attached directly to the carrier pipe by special clamping straps. As a result, assembly and disassembly is very fast. Moreover, filling with polystyrene foam, guarantees the functionality of the floats, even in case of mechanical damage. Such manufacturing technology enables one type of floats to be compatible with several pipe’s diameters. Therefore, even if pipe’s diameter changes, floats keep their functionality and can be applied.


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