Let's meet at WARSAW PACK 2024!

SIGMA S.A. na targach Warsaw Pack 2024 - zaproszenie

We cordially invite you to visit the WARSAW PACK International Trade Fair for Packaging Technologies and Finished Packagings.

As every year, the visitors will have the chance to see the latest trends and technical solutions in the packaging industry.

SIGMA S.A. will be hosted at the stand of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, where you will have the chance to become familiar with our offer for industrial manipulators and personally test the SIGmove electric mobile lifter.
Our specialists will present available solutions, its features and will encourage you to become the business partner of company SIGMA S.A.

Visit us!



PTAK Warsaw Expo
Al. Katowicka 62,
05-830 Nadarzyn,

Stand no. F3.06

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